Our Mission Work

Natalie & Her Mission
Born and bred in Essex, Natalie now lives and serves in South America. After being saved out of paganism and the occult, she felt called to serve in long term overseas mission. So, in 2018 Natalie left the UK, joined South America Mission, and with little knowledge of the local language she would be speaking, started 6 months of language studies in the Andes.
Natalie's Work
Over the years Natalie has served in Youth and Adult prisons with women and girls, and assisted ministries involved with anti-human trafficking and anti-slavery. She currently mentors and supports women who have experienced trauma as she witnesses Jesus’ light in the darkness.
Natalie has a passion for helping trafficked, abused, women, with paganism being a common theme running through all these situations. It is her hope to reach those involved in ritualistic practices, sharing the Good News and her own testimony.
As well as being the Member Care Facilitator; overseeing the welfare of other missionaries in her region’s team, Natalie is currently involved in Women and Student Ministry. She offers friendship and discipleship to women in both the expat community and various indigenous groups.
As Natalie's sending church, we are in regular contact with her and would love to give you more information on what she does. If you feel you can support Natalie in her work on the mission field, you can do so in the following ways.