Our Current Sermon Series

Our Two Services

Here you will find our recordings and outlines for our current Discovery Service (10am) series and our current Discipleship Series (5pm).

We welcome you to both services, but if you can't make it then we would love for you to catch up online!

The Current Series

True Worship
True Worship

A series of messages looking at what worship is, how we worship and why the worship of God should be our ultimate priority. During this series we will look at how we worship God when we gather on a Sunday and how are we to approach a worship service. We will also look at worship as a lifestyle and how to live the whole of our life as an act of worship to and for the glory of God. This will be a series to make you think differently about worship.

The Book of Daniel
The Book of Daniel

How do we stand firm in an increasingly secular culture? How can we remain faithful to God in a world that rejects him? Is it even worth standing firm? We live in difficult times to be people who obey God and worship him alone. How can we be confident under pressure and faithful in the fire? Those are pressing questions for us in a time when living as a Christian increasingly means being misunderstood, maligned and even mistreated. In this new series we will see how Daniel and his friends learned how to live in a hostile foreign land, and how to  stay strong in our world and culture today.


True Worship

Catch up on our 10am Sunday Service sermons.

The Book of Daniel

Listen to the Sermon on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts and Audible!

Catch up on the go!