6: Jesus is the only way | Counter Culteral Church
Rev Phill Brown   -  

Have you ever thought about how many different ideas about faith, religion and God exist? And every one think that they are right. For thoughtful people, that raises the question: So many people with so many different ideas and opinions, which belief system is right? But the Bible is clear that Jesus is the only way. However, as soon as you say that Jesus is the only way to heaven, people will be annoyed by that, How bigoted of Christians to say Jesus is the only way. How narrow-minded. What an outrageous thing for Christians to believe.” And for people who are investigating Christianity, this can be a barrier to them. In fact, even mature followers of Jesus read the statements Jesus made about His uniqueness and wince at it.

In the message we will discover why it’s crucial to know why Jesus is the only way. We will also look at three great myths about belief and what the Bible has to say. Even though it may seem controversial, a Counter Cultural Church holds firm to the truth that it is only in Christ alone are we saved.

Download the outlineĀ here.