4: How to pray courageous prayers | The Power of Prayer
Rev Phill Brown   -  

When you talk to God, are you boldly bringing Him powerful prayers or are you stuck in a rut of praying it safe? Prayer moves the heart of God, but some prayers move Him more than others because praying safe won’t cut it. There is an example of praying boldly in Acts 4. Peter and John were preaching on the death and resurrection of Jesus, and there was a man who was unable to walk for 40 years. So they prayed for this man, and God miraculously healed him, and now he was able to walk. The only problem was, some of the religious leaders thought that Peter and John were leading some kind of cultish movement. So they arrested Peter and John and put them in prison. What would you do in that situation? In the message we will find out how God empowers us to take hold of the bravery we need to start praying powerful prayers.

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