3: How to live in light of heaven | Death, where is your sting?
We live in a society of instant gratification and we’re not into anything being put off into the future. We don’t want to wait for anything. But heaven is delayed gratification. And as a result, Christians, in general, don’t have heaven on our minds. We can live our lives consumed with our own pleasures and the desire to be comfortable with only passing thoughts of heaven. And that’s too bad. Contrast that with the fact that just about everything that’s precious to us is in heaven. So what should we do? How should we think about heaven?
In this message, we look at what is the right mindset to have when it comes to heaven. We are going to look at what the apostle Paul says and how he felt about heaven and how we can feel the same way. We will also see some aspects of heaven that will warm our hearts with the desire to go there.
Download the outline here.