3: How God repairs our past | Restored
Rev Phill Brown   -  

The wonderful thing about God’s grace and restoration is that He takes the broken pieces of our lives and makes them whole again. It’s not something that happens overnight. It’s a journey that we embark on with God. But a major roadblock that can slow down the restoration process and keep us from going God’s way, that makes it more difficult, is our past. Whether we have a colourful past or not much of a past, the reality is, we all have a past. God wants to restore and repair our past even though there may be consequences to past decisions and mistakes. But God can still do a work of restoration.

In the message we are going to look at somebody who had quite a past. In fact, he had such a past that it looked like, initially, he was too far away from God, even though he looked morally upright. God got hold of him, transformed his life and repaired his past. And if God can do that with this person, then there is hope for all of us too. 

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