2: How God deals with our guilt | Restored
Rev Phill Brown   -  

We all know what guilt feels like – that overwhelmed, burdened feeling. That feeling of, “I hope nobody finds out.” But guilt, if not handled correctly can sideline the restoration process in our lives. In fact, when it comes to the way we evaluate guilt, there are different degrees of guilt. And that leads to us trying to deal with guilt by our own methods and ways. But this can lead to disaster and never really dealing with or solving the problem of our guilt. But the good news is that God has an answer.

In the message we are going to look at what real guilt is and what is the difference between real guilt and a false kind of guilt. We’re also going to look at how our ways of dealing with guilt differ greatly from God’s way of dealing with guilt. We will also discover how God’s way frees us from guilt. 

Download the outline here.