1: Becoming like Christ | Fruition
Rev Phill Brown   -  

We all want to change. We don’t just want to be different, we want to be better people. The problem is, so many people look in all the wrong places. The word fruition means the state or action of producing fruit. And when we display the different fruits of the Spirit in our lives, we live the type of lives that God created us to live. Through the Holy Spirit, God wants to transform our character. In this series we are going to look at what it takes to be a disciple of Christ.

We begin in this overview message and look at this disciple idea. When we follow the teachings of Jesus, when we show the 9 fruits of the Spirit in our lives, like Jesus did, we are more attractive. It not only changes the way we live our life, but it reflects God, and it points other people to Him.

Download the outline here.