Sundays During The 9:15am and 11am Discovery Service For 0-4 Year Olds
The service leader will explain at the appropriate point in the service as to when the children go out to their activities. The Crèche is run by our wonderful team who will look after your child, play with them, read Bible stories and do some simple crafts, allowing you to return to the main hall to listen to the message.
As They Have Fun With Us
You Get To Enjoy & Focus On
The Preaching & Worship
What Do They Get Up To?
Your baby or toddler will be very occupied with all the toys, with snack time, Bible stories, craft time and just lots of fun and laughter!
Bible Stories
Craft Time
Drinks & Snacks
Feel More Comfortable Staying?
Of course we won’t force you to leave, you are welcome to stay with your little one! The sermon is streamed on the TV that is in the room, so you can still be part of the service.
What Happens After They Turn 4?
Once your child turns 4, our Creche leader will speak to you about them moving up to Sunday Club. We want them to feel comfortable at Sunday Club, and as it is quite a step up, so we want the decision to be down to you. Just let the leader know once they are near 4 years old to look at the options available!
Toddlers and Bumps & Babes
We would love to see you during the week, not just on Sundays! Every Thursday during term time we have Toddlers and Bumps & Babes. Toddlers is at 9:30:am-11:00am for 0-4 year olds and at 1:30am-1:00pm we have Bumps & Babes for expecting mothers and babies under 1.