8: What will our relationship with God be like in heaven? | Death, where is your sting?
Rev Phill Brown   -  

Most people in our society fear death. But Paul says in Philippians 1:21, For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain.’ It’s a remarkable and confident statement because Paul felt that the life to come was better than the life he was living. He saw death as gain. And it’s not uncommon for any believer to be able to echo the words of Paul and hope for that which is yet to come. And that hope is ultimately found in being with God and Christ forever. Throughout this series we have looked at many wonderful aspects of heaven. This morning, we come to the most wonderful one of all. We come to the most glorious reality of heaven, that which surpasses everything else and that is our relationship to God in heaven. What will be our relationship to God in heaven? How do we relate to God who is mighty and powerful? In the message we will discover the supreme joy of being with God for eternity. 

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