1: Why do we die | Death where is your sting?
Is death the end of us and we go into nothingness? Is there such a place as heaven and if so, what is it like? During this new, 10-part series, we are going to delve into the subject of death and eternity. We all know that death is certain. And yet Paul says in 1 Corinthians 15:55, ‘Where, O death, is your victory? Where, O death, is your sting?’ Is he in denial about the reality of death? No. But how can he say this? In the message, we are going to build a foundation that will help us build this series over the weeks ahead. We look at the fundamental question of what happens when we die? There are lots of differing views on this. But the best place to look is the Bible, because the Bible talks a lot about death and eternity.
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