3: How to live life right (Parable of the Rich Fool) | Can you see it?
Most people start their lives with wonderful dreams of what we’d like our lives to be like, what kind of people we want to become, what kind of work we want to do, if we get married – what kind of marriage we want to have, if we have children – what kind of parents do we want to be. But then somehow things seem to drift into another reality and it’s hard for us to know why? And what matters most is eluding us and it’s hard for us to know why or how it even happened. Jesus talks about this tendency that human beings have to devote their one and only life to something that’s not really worth it. And so in typical fashion he told a story, another parable in Luke 12. In the message we will look at the parable and some of the myths we buy into that lead us away from the kind of life God wants us to live.
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