1: How to respond to God’s Word (Parable of the Sower) | Can you see it?
Rev Phill Brown   -  

Jesus told parables that act as a filter that identify true followers of Jesus. At the beginning, we can’t really see what Jesus is getting at. But as the parable develops, it’s like Jesus is adding and taking away different parts of the story so that those who can see will begin to see more clearly the point Jesus is making. The question Jesus asks is: Can you see it? That comes through in the first parable we will dig into. It’s a well-known parable, but there is more to it than meets the eye. Behind the imagery of the story, there is a solemn and serious truth that only some who hear his words are ultimately blessed by him. Tragically, many hear the Gospel and yet are not saved. Though the initial response may look promising, the path of discipleship proves too demanding. During this message we discover three vital lessons Jesus communicates in this parable.

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